Thursday, August 7, 2008

Dreaming of Einstein

Today I dreamed of e=mc2 (and wondered if it was right) and e=s - 2n. Amazingly enough it all seemed so clear a few minutes ago. I'd overheard a discovery of the secret to event probability.

While in the dream I was just an observer of this theorem I really felt ready to grasp this concept. And then I woke up - now that was frustrating. I wonder how many thoughts were undiscovered because one has awakened from a dream?

Well perhaps I will dream again and if so I will write it down until we can capture the essence of the thing for which we are all searching.

Welcome to Zweble

Contained within this site are what will seem to the reader to be a series of short stories. Such a description would be dead wrong. For the most part these are my travels into the dream scape where some believe that we exist in other realities (our spiritual presence seemingly cannot be argued since we awaken with a vision of the environment).

Many of us have constant, deep and richly filled dreams. The sad thing is that most of these experiences go undocumented. This blog attempts to close the loophole of lost dreams.

In addition to dreams we sometimes explore the fantastic and improbable stark reality of our waking world. Topics appear on this blog that only our imaginations can dream up. If you would like to be able to post your dreams, please send an email to tcarternyc(at)hotmail(dot)com.
