Sunday, May 17, 2009

Blog Management: How to do it.

Hi all,

Well I’ve just discovered a new tool in my effort to stay current with my blogs. I am a user of the Google Blogspot web service (based at I recently opened my Dashboard to begin a new posting and noted that each site has an email icon next to a mobile phone icon.

It appears that one can now create a secret email address that will allow one to send an email which results in a blog posting. Tada! End of problems regarding how to find time to stay current with blogging. An interesting note is that one can probably send one email to multiple recipients (blog sites) and see multiple posts. Double Tada!!

Well light bulb just went off in my head. Everyone has time for an email. Everyone does. Since many folks no longer write letters this new technology allows folks to get a grip on their many blogs (sometimes simultaneously). Well this first post of the new blogging error is within the context of how to use the new technology.


  1. Login to blogger and view your dashboard
  2. For each blog site click the email icon and add a secret word to create a unique email address
  3. On your phone / email program – create a new contact (I use @blog-name for my contacts so they are easy to find)
  4. For each contact set up the secret email address you created in step 2
  5. Create a message and send it to the contacts you have configured
The dashboard area should appear like this...

Feedbacks, comments, critiques are all welcome.

Be well and happy blogging.
Tom C. 阿明

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Welcome to Zweble

Contained within this site are what will seem to the reader to be a series of short stories. Such a description would be dead wrong. For the most part these are my travels into the dream scape where some believe that we exist in other realities (our spiritual presence seemingly cannot be argued since we awaken with a vision of the environment).

Many of us have constant, deep and richly filled dreams. The sad thing is that most of these experiences go undocumented. This blog attempts to close the loophole of lost dreams.

In addition to dreams we sometimes explore the fantastic and improbable stark reality of our waking world. Topics appear on this blog that only our imaginations can dream up. If you would like to be able to post your dreams, please send an email to tcarternyc(at)hotmail(dot)com.
